A Tale of Two Bridges

October 18 was a perfect fall day for bridge building, and a strong crew of volunteers showed up on Corriodor 122 in Sheffield to replace a bridge that had deteriorated, and build a bridge on a new section of trail that will get 122 off about .75 miles of town road.  It is great when a big work crew shows up, and the job is so much faster and easier.  While the larger part of the crew worked on the new bridge a smaller crew went to work on the replacement bridge.  Last week two 52′ steel beams were set in place for the new bridge, and on Oct. 18 the decking, rails, and runners were completed.

The bridge site before work began

                                The brook before work began.

The I-beams in place

                                       52′ Steel I-Beams in place.

                                    Decking being nailed down.

Finished bridge

                                       This bridge is ready for the snow.

Working on the replacement bridge

                                                Bridge # 2

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